162/365-Chinese Learning Resource — New Year’s Resolutions in Taiwan
“跨年” (kuà nián) or “new year countdown” marks an important moment to ensure a good beginning for the year. Do you know how to celebrate it the Taiwanese way and express your resolutions in Chinese? Let’s learn together!
How Taiwanese people welcome the New Year
1、跨年演唱會(Kuà Nián Yǎn Chàng Huì)New Year’s Eve Concert:
The New Year’s Eve concert is held in various locations, featuring performances by popular artists and musicians. Taiwanese people attend the concert with their favorite singers and count down with them.
2、跨年煙火秀 (Kuà Nián Yān Huǒ Xiù)New Year’s Eve Fireworks Display:
Spectacular fireworks show that takes place on New Year’s Eve. Cities often organize large-scale displays and compete to see who can perform the longest fireworks display.

3、迎曙光(Yíng Shǔ Guāng)Welcoming the First Sunrise:
Many Taiwanese go camping outdoors to see the first sunrise of the year. The most popular spot is the northeastern tip of Taiwan and the eastern islands as they are the first places in Taiwan to get a view of the first sunrise.

4、跨年升旗典禮(Kuà Nián Shēng Qí Diǎn Lǐ)New Year’s Day National Flag Raising Ceremony:
A formal ceremony of raising the national flag at the beginning of the new year, which is usually held in front of the Presidential Office Building in Taipei.
What are common resolutions Taiwanese make for 2024?
Taiwanese people, like many people around the world, often make New Year’s Resolutions as a way to set goals and aspirations for the upcoming year.
Let’s learn some common Chinese words from the common resolutions in Taiwan based on this news:
NO.10 減肥成功 (Jiǎnféi chénggōng) To lose weight successfully
NO.9 求學順利 (Qiúxué shùnlì) To have a greater performance academically
NO.8 脫單 (Tuō dān) To find Mr./Ms. Right
NO.7 提升外貌 (Tíshēng wàimào) Be more attractive
NO.6 出國旅遊 (Chūguó lǚyóu) To travel abroad
NO.5 培養運動習慣 (Péiyǎng yùndòng xíguàn) To develop exercise habits
NO.4 存錢 (Cúnqián) To save more money
NO.3 中樂透 (Zhòng lètòu) To win the lottery
NO.2 更快樂 (Gèng kuàilè) To be happier
NO.1 平安健康 (Píng’ān jiànkāng) To be safe and sound and healthy

What are your new year’s resolutions? Do you know how to express your resolutions in Chinese?
Let’s make your own New Year’s Resolutions in Chinese!
First of all, you may need to prepare two stickers for the basic words:
- 我(Wǒ)I
- 要(Yào)will
And some stickers for the verbs:
- 提升 (Tíshēng) Be more…
- 培養 (Péiyǎng) Develop
- 學(Xué) Learn
- 考(Kǎo)Exam or test
And some stickers for the nouns:
- 華語 (Huáyǔ) Mandarin Chinese
- 新語言(Xīn yǔ yán)A new language
- 成績 (Chéngjī) Academic performance or grades
- 證照 (Zhèngzhào) Certification or license
- 習慣(xíguàn)Habits
Ready? Let’s combine them the same sequence as English!
- I will / Verb / Noun
- I will / Learn / A new language!
- 我要 / 學 / 新語言!
This is a blog post I wrote for my company, offering a variety of Chinese learning resources.
If you find it useful, please feel free to claps or comment with your resolutions!
Thank you for reading until the end!
Happy new year! 新年快樂 (Xīnnián kuàilè)!